Be ambitious.

I love people. I love Quebec. Everything I’ve done in politics has always been guided by my deep love of Quebec.
I believe that the greatest leaders are those who bring people together.
The last few years have been hard on Quebecers.
Fewer and fewer people have access to a family doctor, there’s a shortage of teachers, everything seems to be getting more expensive, the cost of housing and groceries keeps going up. Climate change is also costing us dearly, both financially and in human terms.
Rising populism and divisive politics fuel cynicism and impact people’s confidence in our institutions.

Vision or Division
We have two choices: hope or cynicism. Inclusivity or division. Turn inward or open up to the world.
We have the choice between divisive politics, a referendum on Quebec independence, or working together for a promising future for Quebec.
The QLP has always been a party of vision. A party that can be bold.
Adélard Godbout, in the middle of the Second World War, dared to change things and gave women the right to vote, in addition to making elementary school free and mandatory until age 14.
Jean Lesage brought us out of the Great Darkness and we became Maîtres chez nous!
Robert Bourassa understood the full strength and potential of our rivers. Today, clean energy is one of our greatest assets.
Jean Charest appointed the first joint Cabinet in Quebec’s history. He created the Generations Fund, a bold idea first suggested by the QLP’s Youth Commission.
Philippe Couillard was the driving force behind the REM, the most ambitious public transportation project in Quebec of the past 50 years.
My choice is clear : I have full confidence in Quebecers
The challenges ahead are great, it’s true. But I’m confident in our ability to meet them, together.
Our teachers, doctors and nurses deserve our respect. We must recognize them and put them at the center of our thinking and decisions.
Our youth deserve to be listened to and given answers to their concerns, particularly in the fight against climate change. Our seniors deserve better access to home care if they want to stay at home.
Our SMEs, in every region of Quebec, deserve help to meet the challenges of productivity and artificial intelligence. Our businesses deserve a real plan for temporary immigration, and support for francization instead of cutting funding.
Quebec needs a leader and a team with the experience and courage to meet these challenges.
You share our vision? Want to join our team and help? Write us and join our team!