I arrived in Quebec when I was 8 years old with my parents and two sisters. We were political refugees.
My love story with French, hockey and Quebec began in Sherbrooke, thanks to my neighbors who invited me to play outside.
After graduating with a diploma in business administration from the University of Sherbrooke where both my parents taught, I made the move to Montreal. That’s when I started getting involved with the QLP Youth Commission.
I’ve spent nearly 20 years in the House of Commons defending Quebec’s interests – and I’m returning to Quebec politics today to continue doing so. Right here. With you. With the Quebec Liberal Party.
Born in Argentina, raised in Sherbrooke, living in Montreal, on my way to Quebec City!
– Pablo Rodriguez
The Sherbrooke years
Sherbrooke is part of my DNA!
For me, Sherbrooke is synonymous with the generosity and openness that Quebecers are known for. It’s where I learned French, playing hockey.
And where I discovered Paul Piché, Robert Charlebois and many other artists while playing the guitar with friends.
And these friends guided me to our party.

My Early Professional Years and Political Years
I started my career working in international development for an NGO. I was responsible for projects in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean. I was also closely involved with Oxfam-Québec for a number of years.
I also worked in the private sector as Vice-President and Associate of a public affairs firm where I was in charge of several projects in Canada and overseas.
However, I realized early on how passionate I was about politics. And politics quickly took up a lot of my time!
My first steps into politics was when I joined our party’s Youth Commission. First as Youth VP in the riding of Crémazie, then on the national executive with none other than… Mario Dumont.
Over the years, I also helped the QLP with communications during general elections and with several by-elections, including in Anjou–Louis-Riel, Mercier, Jeanne-Mance–Viger, Vimont, Blainville and others.
At the same time in the 90s, with the rise of the sovereignty movement, I began to get involved in the Liberal Party of Canada. In the following years, I held various political roles: first as President of the Young Liberals for Quebec, then President for the Party for Quebec. In 2004, I had the honor of being elected as MP for Honoré-Mercier, and last but not least, I was later appointed to several key roles within the Government of Canada : Minister of Canadian Heritage, Government House Leader, Minister of Transport and Quebec Lieutenant.
Crossing the bridge
I’ve been fighting for Quebec in Ottawa for over 20 years. And today, I am worried…
Worried about what I’m seeing in Quebec:
A government that is guided by divisive policies and positions.
The PQ is promising the ultimate divide: a referendum in the first mandate.
It’s time for me to return to the roots of my political involvement. Time for me to return to the QLP. It’s time to come back home.

Want to share your story with Pablo? You simply want to send him words of encouragement? Want to help? Write to our team.